Corporate Giving

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Corporate Giving

Whether you are interested in offering a team-building opportunity for your company, providing outreach and fellowship opportunities for your congregation, or want to bring a group of friends together to support affordable homeownership in our community, Habitat South Central Minnesota has a range of sponsorship levels to meet any budget and group size.

Home Sponsorship

Commitment or Volunteer Hours

Whole Home Sponsorship $100,000 10,000 hours
Hammer it Home $50,000 5,000 hours
Adopt-a-lot $30,000 3,000 hours
Heart of the Home $20,000 2,000 hours
From The Ground Up $10,000 1,000 hours
Create a Room $5,000 500 hours
More Than Nails $1,000 100 hours

Come pound, haul, hammer or paint at a Habitat South Central Minnesota project site. There are opportunities all year round and no experience is necessary with our trained staff, which is ready to teach you all you need to know!

Team Building Program

Habitat for Humanity of South Central Minnesota offers a Team Builder day on our construction site. Your team will help change the lives of our future homeowners while enhancing your group dynamic! Through building a home together, your group will learn how to communicate, cooperate, and problem-solve to get the job done. Teaming up with Habitat is an excellent way for your business to give back to the community.

No experience necessary!

Event Sponsorship

Habitat hosts a variety of events throughout the year that offer businesses and organizations opportunities to sponsor.

Business and organizations can sponsor events that attract audiences that best fit their clientele.

Events Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Golf Tournament
  • She Nailed It
  • Hard Hat Breakfast
  • Get On The Beam (nonmonetary sponsorship)

Typical benefits:

  • Included in press releases
  • Social media engagement
  • Logo on website for 1 year
  • Included in annual report and newsletters

Contributions large and small continue to make a difference.

Corporate giving helps us bring opportunity to families in need of a decent place to call home. We believe there is something every company can give to allow us to help even more families build better futures. For more information, please contact us.

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